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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thankful Tuesday #4

Thankful Tuesday

Ok y'all. We are now into November (gasp) where did the year go? It seems like it was just yesterday when I was ringing in the New Year. The old saying is true, time flies when you're having fun. I thought I would do something fun on this little blog of mine. Every Tuesday and Thursdays I'm going to post a "Thankful" post. Just something I'm thankful for. It can be anything, there's no rules here. I would love it if y'all left a comment letting me know what you're thankful for.

I'm thankful for.........
All of YOU. The one who is reading this right now. The people who read my blog and listen to what I have to say. I had a very successful fashion blog (I'm a fashion designer\stylist with a production company) and I didn't receive half the amount that I do from this little blog. The book blogging community is truly one of a kind. So this post is dedicated to everyone who keeps coming up and reads my nonsense haha.

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