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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Review: The Devil's Playground by Eliza Freed

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Book & Author details:

The Devil’s Playground by Eliza Freed
(The Faraway Series, #1)
Publication date: November 10th 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Former U.S. Attorney, Meredith Walsh, took some time off to raise her children. But the time took away everything she once trusted about herself. She’s lost within the mundane confines of her children’s schedules of lacrosse, soccer, Cub Scouts, and math facts. Desperate for a sliver of her former passion, and isolated in the small town her corporate husband relocated her to, she counsels herself on risking her family for the rush of a fling.
But Vincent Pratt, the local chief of police, weakens Meredith’s abhorrence of affairs and her dedication to her family. With him, she finds a new version of herself, one capable of contributing in her new world, and thriving in her lonely home. In spite of the fact, she’s not the kind of woman who has an affair.

My Thoughts:
This book was terrific. I had first I thought that this book was just going to be about another bored suburban housewife having an affair, it was in a way, about the housewife part, not boring, but it was also so much better than that! Meredith Walsh had it all. Beauty and brains. She had a high-powered thriving career as a US attorney, but once she starts to have kids, things change. She realizes that while some woman can have it all, she isn't one of them. Leaving her job to be a stay-at-home mom is absolutely the right decision for her. Vincent Pratt is sin on a stick, Meredith is immediately attracted him in the worst way. Usually, in books that have cheating, the sexy times start right away. With Mer and Vincent, it's a buildup, and once we get to the boiling point its all hot and steamy from there. Meredith maybe a cheater, but she's an extremely intelligent cheater. She takes precautions and thinks things thorough. She's not willing to divorce her husband and at the same time, she can't stay away from Vince. Meredith believes that if there's no love involved, they won't get caught. Love makes you stupid and when youre stupid, you make mistakes. They never talk on the phone, opting for email from dummy accounts. I read this book in one whole setting, I can not wait for the sequel to come out!  Eliza Freed did a wonderful job grabbing the readers attention and keeping them interested till the end.


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Eliza Freed graduated from Rutgers University and returned to her hometown in rural South Jersey. Her mother encouraged her to take some time and find herself. After three months of searching, she began to bounce checks and her neighbors began to talk; her mother told her to find a job.

She settled into Corporate America, learning systems and practices and the bureaucracy that slows them. Eliza quickly discovered her creativity and gift for story telling as a corporate trainer and spent years perfecting her presentation skills and studying diversity. It’s during this time she became an avid observer of the characters we meet and the heartaches we endure. Her years of study have taught her laughter is the key to survival, even when it’s completely inappropriate.

She currently lives in New Jersey with her family and a misbehaving beagle named Odin. An avid swimmer, if Eliza is not with her family and friends, she’d rather be underwater. While she enjoys many genres, she has always been a sucker for a love story…the more screwed up the better.

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