Review Policy

Monday, November 23, 2015

6 month Blog anniversary

Wow. Has it really been 6 mons since I started this little blog? Time has flown and I've learned so much over these past months and I've made some really good friends. Not to mention, I've been introduced to some wonderful books that I usually wouldn't even read. I was going to do a giveaway, but decided to hold off and do a huuuuuge one year giveaway. I've already started putting things together for the giveaway. Since it's been 6 months, I thought I would share what I've learned and what I wish someone would have told me.

Here are six things I've learned:

  1. The book community is the best! The people are seriously amazing. 
  2. Quality over quantity
  3. I don't have to post
  4. It doesn't have to be all about the books, it's ok to stray a little.
  5. You have to find your own "voice" when posting reviews. I'm still working on finding mine, but I'm learning. :)
  6. There is no "wrong" way to write a review
Receiving ARCS:
I have received quite a few ARCS since I've started blogging, I've not yet reached out to any publishers asking for ARCS, I feel like I still have some work to do before I'm at that point. I do receive quite a few from NetGalley though and Blogging for Books.

When to say no:
I've had quite a few request for reviews and I always say yes. This has caused me to pull all-nighters and be constantly glued to my kindle. I just always felt bad saying no. The same thing goes for book tours. I would subscribe to so many book touring companies and then sign up for every book tour that peaked my interest, resulting in having no time to read what I wanted because I always had a review due the next day, or multiple reviews. You don't have to sign up for every tour and say yes to every book. I got overwhelmed and there was a time when it just wasn't fun for me. I was upset that I had all these books that I personally bought and had no time to read them. Now, I limit myself to 5-7 book tours a month. Sometimes less. It's basically trial and error.

Here are two of my favorite book touring companies.
Tasty Book Tours
Inkslinger PR

Thank you so much to the readers of my little blog and to everyone who has answered my questions and were just so welcoming! I can't wait to see where this little blog of mine is in a year!

hugs and kisses

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