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Friday, November 20, 2015

Review: Mutually Exclusive by Charlotte Winston

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Charlotte Winston
Released Nov 2nd, 2015

Everyone believes Alexandra Kane is a good girl. She follows the rules, stays the course, but there’s only so far she can bend before she breaks. Her reputation is everything, but she can’t resist temptation when given an opportunity to join Club Valentine, the exclusive sex club that caters to the wealthy.

Roman Valentine makes a living providing people a place to exercise their sexual preferences with discretion. He knows how to keep secrets, especially since he has some of his own he doesn’t want discovered. Alexandra provides a distraction he doesn’t need, but Roman how can he say no when she makes him an offer he can’t refuse.

Their agreement is simple. Discretion, orgasms, and never mix business with pleasure. But what happens when business becomes personal? How will they react when the secrets they keep buried threaten to overtake them? And what’s Alexandra supposed to do when Roman’s secret directly impacts her life?

My Thoughts:
I went into this book thinking that it was just a BDSM book and that it would be like all the other books about kinky sex. I was wrong. I was very wrong. This book is not about BDSM. It’s more. A lot more, and it’s good. Like really, really good I couldn’t finish it fast enough. Alexandra is on the path to fulfilling her Father's legacy by becoming a partner at a prestigious law firm. The only thing that she really wants is sex. Her friend Blair gives her Roman Valentine's name. Roman owns the Valentine sex club. Alexandra makes a deal with Roman, if he agrees to be the one that satisfies her, she’ll sell him her family’s property that he wants. This book was twisty and curvy and just enough hot sex to keep you wanting more. Roman and Alexandra are adorable together and I loved every single character. For a debut novel, this is a great one. Roman is yummy and Alexandra is a kick booty hot shot lawyer. Y’all won’t want to miss out on this one.
My rating:4


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Charlotte is a southern girl who has loved a good story for as long as she can remember. A long way from sneaking around past her bedtime with a flashlight, she's currently plugging away writing her own stories. She loves writing about strong characters and how their personalities influence those around them. Her first book, Mutually Exclusive, will be available in November 2015.

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