Review Policy

Monday, November 30, 2015

Cover Reveal: Merry Blissmas by Jamie Begley

We Wish You A
Merry Blissmas...

A Last Riders Holiday Novella
Jamie Begley
Releasing Dec 11th, 2015
Young Ink Press


What can I say? I’m not a nice person. When I walk by, people call me a slut, and I’m okay with that. I believe in calling a spade a spade. I am a slut.
With the holidays approaching, I miss belonging to The Last Riders. Drake’s keeping me warm, but he wants more than I can give. He wants me to trust him, to believe he can protect me. Doesn’t he know Santa put me on the Naughty List long ago?


What can I say? I’m a nice guy and have always done the responsible thing.
Bliss is everything I shouldn’t want, but it’s hard to resist a woman who stopped believing in miracles. She wants to be back with The Last Riders, whom she considers her true family. Doesn’t she know it’s Christmas, and miracles do happen?

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"I was born in a small town in Kentucky. My family began poor, but worked their way to owning a restaurant. My mother was one of the best cooks I have ever known, and she instilled in all her children the value of hard work, and education.
Taking after my mother, I've always love to cook, and became pretty good if I do say so myself. I love to experiment and my unfortunate family has suffered through many. They now have learned to steer clear of those dishes. I absolutely love the holidays and my family puts up with my zany decorations.
For now, my days are spent writing, writing, and writing. I have two children who both graduated this year from college. My daughter does my book covers, and my son just tries not to blush when someone asks him about my books.
Currently I am writing five series of books- The Last Riders, The VIP Room, Predators MC, Biker Bitches, and The Dark Souls.
All my books are written for one purpose- the enjoyment others find in them, and the expectations of my fans that inspire me to give it my best.”

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope y'all are enjoying your family and eating tons of good food!!! 
Have an amazing day and don't forget to be thankful!!

Much love from my family to yours,

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday

Release Date: April 26, 2015
Publisher: HQN Books
Pre-order here: Amazon

An irresistible new love story from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Fool's Gold series, set in a town Library Journal calls "so appealing, readers will want to start scoping out real estate." 

To overcome her painful past, baker Shelby Gilmore goes on the hunt for a friend—a male friend—to convince her stubborn psyche that men can be trusted. But where in a town as small as Fool's Gold will the petite blonde find a guy willing to not date her? 

Dark, charming Aidan Mitchell puts the "adventure" in Mitchell Adventure Tours…and into the beds of his many willing female tourists. Until he realizes he's inadvertently become that guy—the one-night Casanova—and worse, everyone in town knows it. Maybe Shelby's boy/girl experiment will help him see women as more than just conquests so he can change his ways and win back his self-respect. 

As Aidan and Shelby explore the secret lives of men and women, the heat between them fires up the Fool's Gold rumor mill. If no one will believe they're just friends, maybe they should give the gossips something to really talk about!

Why I can't wait:
It's Susan Mallery! Her books just scream summer. The fool's gold books are my absolute favorite series ever. Can't wait to get my hands on this book. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Review: The Family by Marissa Kennerson

Displaying THE FAMILY.png
The Family by Marissa Kennerson
Release date: October 8, 2014
Publisher: Full Fathom Five Digital
My rating: 4.5
Buy here: Amazon

Just like any average seventeen-year-old, Twig loves her family. She has a caring mother and a controlling father. Her brothers and sisters are committed to her family’s prosperity…

All one hundred eighty-three of them.

Twig lives in the Family, a collective society located in the rainforest of Costa Rica. Family members coexist with values of complete openness and honesty, and they share a fear of contagious infection in the outside world.

Adam—their Father, prophet, and savior—announces that Twig will be his new bride, and she is overjoyed and honored. But when an injury forces her to leave the Family compound, Twig finds that the world outside is not as toxic as she was made to believe. And then she meets Leo, an American boy with a killer smile, and begins to question everything about her life within the Family and the cult to which she belongs.

But when it comes to Family, you don’t get a choice.

Praise for The Family:
“Fascinating and chilling, THE FAMILY takes you past the armed guards of a secluded compound where individualism is punished, technology is forbidden, and a charismatic leader plays God through terror and control. The novel’s relentless plot and vividly drawn characters will suck you in, but be warned: once you’re in the Family, it’s almost impossible to escape.” Anna Schumacher, author ofEnd Times

“Eerie and suspenseful, Kennerson gives us a fascinating look into the psychology of cults and the meaning of Family.” —Bianca Turetsky, author of The Time-Traveling Fashionista

My Thoughts:
First off, does anyone know if there will be a sequel? It ended so abruptly that I'm really hoping there's going to be one. 
This book was captivating. It was so good, I could't put it down. It also made me wonder how many "families" are really out there in this world. 
Twig was such a strong, beautiful character. All she wanted was to be a normal 17 yr old, even though she didn't quite know what normal was. She has lived with The Family since she was born, or so she was told.  It was creepy in a way that her "Father" wanted to marry her, let alone he already had a wife. I was so happy when she found Leo and she started to realize that not everything Adam had told them was the truth. There were a few plot twists that I didn't see coming though. This book is great and the author did a phenomenal job. Go read it. 

Thankful Tuesday #4

Thankful Tuesday

Ok y'all. We are now into November (gasp) where did the year go? It seems like it was just yesterday when I was ringing in the New Year. The old saying is true, time flies when you're having fun. I thought I would do something fun on this little blog of mine. Every Tuesday and Thursdays I'm going to post a "Thankful" post. Just something I'm thankful for. It can be anything, there's no rules here. I would love it if y'all left a comment letting me know what you're thankful for.

I'm thankful for.........
All of YOU. The one who is reading this right now. The people who read my blog and listen to what I have to say. I had a very successful fashion blog (I'm a fashion designer\stylist with a production company) and I didn't receive half the amount that I do from this little blog. The book blogging community is truly one of a kind. So this post is dedicated to everyone who keeps coming up and reads my nonsense haha.

Monday, November 23, 2015

6 month Blog anniversary

Wow. Has it really been 6 mons since I started this little blog? Time has flown and I've learned so much over these past months and I've made some really good friends. Not to mention, I've been introduced to some wonderful books that I usually wouldn't even read. I was going to do a giveaway, but decided to hold off and do a huuuuuge one year giveaway. I've already started putting things together for the giveaway. Since it's been 6 months, I thought I would share what I've learned and what I wish someone would have told me.

Here are six things I've learned:

  1. The book community is the best! The people are seriously amazing. 
  2. Quality over quantity
  3. I don't have to post
  4. It doesn't have to be all about the books, it's ok to stray a little.
  5. You have to find your own "voice" when posting reviews. I'm still working on finding mine, but I'm learning. :)
  6. There is no "wrong" way to write a review
Receiving ARCS:
I have received quite a few ARCS since I've started blogging, I've not yet reached out to any publishers asking for ARCS, I feel like I still have some work to do before I'm at that point. I do receive quite a few from NetGalley though and Blogging for Books.

When to say no:
I've had quite a few request for reviews and I always say yes. This has caused me to pull all-nighters and be constantly glued to my kindle. I just always felt bad saying no. The same thing goes for book tours. I would subscribe to so many book touring companies and then sign up for every book tour that peaked my interest, resulting in having no time to read what I wanted because I always had a review due the next day, or multiple reviews. You don't have to sign up for every tour and say yes to every book. I got overwhelmed and there was a time when it just wasn't fun for me. I was upset that I had all these books that I personally bought and had no time to read them. Now, I limit myself to 5-7 book tours a month. Sometimes less. It's basically trial and error.

Here are two of my favorite book touring companies.
Tasty Book Tours
Inkslinger PR

Thank you so much to the readers of my little blog and to everyone who has answered my questions and were just so welcoming! I can't wait to see where this little blog of mine is in a year!

hugs and kisses

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mini Review: Thresholds by Sherre Hirsch

Release Date: August 18, 2015
Publisher: Harmony
My Rating: 4
Buy here: Amazon

Whether it’s our cozy bedroom, our toy-strewn family room, or our newly renovated kitchen, we all have our favorite rooms in our homes.  But when do we ever think about the thresholds? We spend a lot of time traversing thresholds - both in our homes, and in our lives. 
Of course, this is not a book about how to build a house; it is book about how build a rich and rewarding life.  When I talk about the thresholds of life, I am referring to those times of transition; when we are moving from the way we were accustomed to living to a new way of thinking, feeling, and being.
Every one of us will experience many such moments. Some will be exciting - a new job, a marriage, the birth of a child. Others - the death of a parent, an empty nest, a divorce –  will be painful. Either way, crossing from a “room” that is comfortable and familiar into one that feels uncertain and unpredictable, can be terrifying.  

But what if, instead of viewing these thresholds as barriers or obstacles, you could see them as doorways to bigger and better opportunities? If you could embrace change as a wellspring of motivation rather than a source of fear? If the thought of the unknown future left you feeling empowered and excited, instead of paralyzed? 

Here, Sherre Hirsch draws on decades of counseling individuals of all faiths and religions, the wisdom of ancient stories, research from psychology, and tales from real life, to help readers summon the faith, courage, and confidence to embrace the exhilarating new possibilities and experiences that lie across the threshold.   With her signature warmth and empathic style, Hirsch, like a trusted friend,  wise counselor, and spiritual advisor rolled into one, guides readers through the most challenging – and the most blessed – transitions of their one precious life.

My Thoughts:
This book was really helpful and insightful. No matter what you're going through in life, you could still read this book and take something from it. The author just connects with her readers and it's wonderful. While reading this book I was given the resources to help myself move on and let things go. It truly is a helpful book for anyone going through any transitions in their life. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Mini Review: Eleven weeks by Lauren K. McKellar

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Eleven Weeks (Crazy in Love #2)
Eleven week by Lauren K. McKellar
Release Date: January 25, 2015
Publisher: Amazon Digital services
My rating: 3.5
Buy here: Amazon

Seven shots 

Five siblings 

Two boys 

One heartbeat … 


Stacey is good at pretending. 

She pretends that the boy she's in love with doesn't exist. 

She pretends that she's happy to live and die in this small town. 

She pretends that her life is carefree while her best friend's world crumbles before her very eyes. 

But Stacey's got a secret ... 

And it's going to ruin everything. 

My Thoughts:
This is the second book in this series and can be read as a stand alone. This book takes place at the same time Kate's story does. This book deals with friendship, love, family problems and many other things. I really liked Stacey. I also enjoyed the authors writing style and how she mixed humor in there. I laughed and cried so many times during this book. 

Review: Mutually Exclusive by Charlotte Winston

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Charlotte Winston
Released Nov 2nd, 2015

Everyone believes Alexandra Kane is a good girl. She follows the rules, stays the course, but there’s only so far she can bend before she breaks. Her reputation is everything, but she can’t resist temptation when given an opportunity to join Club Valentine, the exclusive sex club that caters to the wealthy.

Roman Valentine makes a living providing people a place to exercise their sexual preferences with discretion. He knows how to keep secrets, especially since he has some of his own he doesn’t want discovered. Alexandra provides a distraction he doesn’t need, but Roman how can he say no when she makes him an offer he can’t refuse.

Their agreement is simple. Discretion, orgasms, and never mix business with pleasure. But what happens when business becomes personal? How will they react when the secrets they keep buried threaten to overtake them? And what’s Alexandra supposed to do when Roman’s secret directly impacts her life?

My Thoughts:
I went into this book thinking that it was just a BDSM book and that it would be like all the other books about kinky sex. I was wrong. I was very wrong. This book is not about BDSM. It’s more. A lot more, and it’s good. Like really, really good I couldn’t finish it fast enough. Alexandra is on the path to fulfilling her Father's legacy by becoming a partner at a prestigious law firm. The only thing that she really wants is sex. Her friend Blair gives her Roman Valentine's name. Roman owns the Valentine sex club. Alexandra makes a deal with Roman, if he agrees to be the one that satisfies her, she’ll sell him her family’s property that he wants. This book was twisty and curvy and just enough hot sex to keep you wanting more. Roman and Alexandra are adorable together and I loved every single character. For a debut novel, this is a great one. Roman is yummy and Alexandra is a kick booty hot shot lawyer. Y’all won’t want to miss out on this one.
My rating:4


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Charlotte is a southern girl who has loved a good story for as long as she can remember. A long way from sneaking around past her bedtime with a flashlight, she's currently plugging away writing her own stories. She loves writing about strong characters and how their personalities influence those around them. Her first book, Mutually Exclusive, will be available in November 2015.

Blitz: Coming apart at the seams by Jenna Sutton

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Riley O'Brien & Co #2
Jenna Sutton
Releasing Dec 1st, 2015

Love can take some time to break in...

Teagan O’Brien, heiress to the Riley O’Brien & Co. denim empire, is anything but a spoiled rich girl. She’s worked hard to secure her place in the family business and can hold her own, in and out of the office. Only one man has ever been able to get under her skin—sexy football star Nick Priest. Years ago they crossed the line from friends to lovers, but he left her heartbroken. Since then, she’s been determined to keep him at arm’s length—no matter how tempting he looks in his jeans...

Nick has fortune, fame, and looks that make most women hot and bothered. But he doesn't have the woman he really wants. He knows he screwed up when he walked away from Teagan, and now that he has a second chance, he’ll do whatever it takes to win her over—no matter how tongue-tied he gets...


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Jenna Sutton spent most of her career as an award-winning journalist covering business-related topics including healthcare, commercial real estate, retail, and technology. Nowadays she writes about hot, lovable guys and the smart, sexy women who make them crazy. It’s the culmination of a lifelong dream, and she feels so lucky to be able to do it.

Jenna has a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Texas Christian University and a Master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from Northwestern University.

Jenna and her husband live in a 103-year-old house in Texas.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Review: Shattered by Cynthia Eden

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Cynthia Eden
Releasing Oct 27th, 2015
Avon Books

In New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden's latest novel featuring the Last Option Search Team (LOST), one agent is forced to face her past as she uncovers secrets about the man who may be the key to her future.

Criminal psychologist Dr. Sarah Jacobs is all too familiar with the kind of bad boys who belong behind bars. But the dark, dangerous man she meets in the New Orleans underworld is a new kind of ruthless, and all too irresistible.

Jax Fontaine doesn't claim to be a good guy, but he's loyal to his own code and brutally honest about what he wants. He and Sarah may be worlds apart, but when they're skin to skin, nothing matters but the heat between them.

And when a deranged killer targets Sarah, Jax will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

My Thoughts:
I'm no stranger to Cynthia Eden's books. Every book that I have ever read by her, I've loved. This book was plot twist on plot twist. I honestly couldn't figure out who was guilty and who wasn't.
Sarah is a psychiatrist and a profiles criminals  for an organization called Lost. While in New Orleans she meets Jax Fontaine. A man who she knows is dangerous, but she can't stay away from him. Jax needs Lost to help him find out where he came from and when Sarah becomes a target of a deadly revenge plot, Jax vows to protect her at all cost. This is suspense at it's best. I read this book in one setting. I loved Jax and the way he would do anything to protect Sarah. I'm usually good at figuring out who the bad guy is in books like this, but I didn't have the slightest clue till the end. This book is definitely worth reading. 
My rating: 4


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Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia is also a three-time finalist for the prestigious RITA® award. Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over fifty novels and novellas.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate. Her favorite hobbies including hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

Thankful Thursday #3

Thankful Thursday

Ok y'all. We are now into November (gasp) where did the year go? It seems like it was just yesterday when I was ringing in the New Year. The old saying is true, time flies when you're having fun. I thought I would do something fun on this little blog of mine. Every Tuesday and Thursdays I'm going to post a "Thankful" post. Just something I'm thankful for. It can be anything, there's no rules here. I would love it if y'all left a comment letting me know what you're thankful for.

I'm thankful for.........
My education. My schooling has helped me get to where I am today. I am a firm believer in education. Everyone everywhere has a RIGHT to an education. It's one thing in life I'll never take for granted. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Review: Inconceivable by Tegan Wren

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Tegan Wren
Releasing Nov 16th, 2015
Curiosity Quills Press

A popular, young royal couple can't produce an heir? INCONCEIVABLE!

When Ozarks native Hatty goes “whole hog” during karaoke, she catches the eye of Prince John. He isn’t what she expects the heir to a small European nation to be: he's affable, witty, and isn’t put off by her tell-it-like-it-is demeanor. Their flirtation should be short lived, but a force stronger than fate—Hatty’s newspaper editor—assigns her to cover the royals. After spending time together, she and John soon begin dating, and Hatty finds herself making headlines instead of writing them.

But challenges loom that are even more complicated than figuring out how to mesh Hatty's journalism career with life at Belvoir Palace. Hatty and John soon find themselves embroiled in an unusual sex scandal: they can't produce an heir. Tabloids dub Hatty a “Barren-ess,” and the royals become irate. Hatty politely tells them to shove it. But beneath her confident exterior, she struggles to cope with a heartbreak that invades her most intimate moments with John. Pressured to choose between invasive medical procedures and abandoning John’s claim to the throne, the couple feels trapped until a trip to Ethiopia shows them happy endings sometimes arrive long after saying “I do.”

My Thoughts:
Wow. I don't even know where to begin with this book. I love anything that has to do with Royals, so naturally I loved Hatty and Prince John's love story. Hatty has to be one of my favorite characters. She's strong and she's not afraid to stand up to herself. The way she put John's Father and Grandmother in their place was magnificent. John wasn't your typical Prince that you read about. He wanted love more than he wanted to rule. This book was broke into sections, the love story and trying to conceive. Millions of women struggle with infertility, myself included. This book put a spotlight on what women have to go through just to become a parent. There was a quote Hatty said, it was something like," my wish was never to be pregnant, but to be a mother" that stood out to me for some reasons. I adored how real this book was. The author did a phenomenal job on this book and I can't wait to read more from her. 
My rating: 4.5


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The best compliment Tegan Wren ever received came from her sixth grade teacher: “You always have a book in your hand!”

Guided by her love of the creative process, Tegan grew up acting in theatre productions and writing poetry, short stories, and plays. She turned her eye to writing about real life when she worked as a journalist, producing reports for various radio and television stations in medium and large markets in the Midwest and also filing some stories for a major national news network. Wren has both a Bachelor’s of Journalism and a Master of Arts in Communications. After completing her graduate degree, Tegan had the opportunity to teach journalism courses at a major state university. She absolutely loved training the next generation of journalists.

Tegan’s thankful that she’s had the opportunity to travel overseas, and uses those adventures to inform her writing. She also draws inspiration from her own struggles, joys, and other life experiences. Tegan and her husband, Patrick, experienced infertility for five years before becoming parents through adoption. Because she understands the financial stress of the infertility journey, Tegan is donating half the royalties from her book to Baby Quest Foundation. This charity awards grants to people all over the U.S. for fertility treatments. Tegan is thrilled to use her story to help other people find their happily ever after.