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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blog tour: Excerpt: The seduction of Alex Parker by Sandi Lynn

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Never stay in one place too long. That was my motto. After the accident, at the age of eighteen, I left my home in California to travel the world, seeking out new and adventurous wonders like my twin sister and I had planned to do since we were kids. Eight years later, I was forced to return home, to the one place that held the most traumatic memories for me. My money was running out and my brother, Adam, refused to send me more until we sat down and had a talk about me settling down in one place. That was when I met billionaire Alex Parker — an arrogant, uptight control freak who thought I would actually listen to him. Boy, did he have another thing coming. My name is Emerson James and this is my story.

She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. But she was mouthy and defiant, just like her brother warned me she was. She was a free spirit and very irresponsible with her life. Not my type at all. I only dated women of an upper class status — the ones who kept their mouths shut and were successful in their careers. I had everything life could offer and I was content. At least, I thought was, until Emerson James came into my life. She was getting ready to go off on another adventure and I was determined to get her to settle down in one place: California. My name is Alex Parker and this is my story. 



I met Adam for dinner and a drink before he left for Tennessee. I couldnt believe I agreed to let his little sister stay at my place while he was gone.
Thanks again for letting Emerson stay with you, man.
No problem. What are friends for? Right?I gave an unsure smile.
I think I should warn you about her. Shes kind of a free spirit. She can be very mouthy and defiant. But she has a heart of gold and she can cook. I already told her youre never home, so the two of you probably wont see each other anyway.
True. Dont worry. Ill make sure she feels at home. Actually, Ill have Jenna make sure she feels at home. Its only for three months, right?
Yes. As soon as I get back, I will come collect my sister, and I apologize in advance for anything crude or rude she may say to you.
I chuckled. Ill let you know when you get back if I accept your apology.


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Sandi Lynn, A New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, spends her days writing full-time to provide her readers romance novels that will whisk them away to another world. She has a severe coffee addiction and can usually be found hanging out at the local Starbucks with her laptop, sipping lattes, and writing her books.


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