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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Review: Red Blooded by Caitlin Sinead

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Instead of eating ramen and meeting frat guys like most college freshmen, Peyton Arthur is on the campaign trail. Traveling with her mother, the Democratic pick for vice president, she's ordering room service, sneaking glances at cute campaign intern Dylan and deflecting interview questions about the tragic loss of her father. But when a reporter questions her paternity, her world goes into a tailspin.
Dylan left Yale and joined the campaign to make a difference, not keep tabs on some girl. But with the paternity scandal blowing up and Peyton asking questions, he's been tasked to watch her every move. As he gets to know the real Peyton, he finds it harder and harder to keep a professional distance.
When the media demands a story, Peyton and Dylan give them one—a fake relationship. As they work together to investigate the rumors about her real father and Peyton gets closer to learning the truth, she's also getting closer to Dylan. And suddenly, it's not just her past on the line anymore. It's her heart.
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I've always been interested in politics, so this book was perfect for me. I really enjoyed this book. I liked Peyton and thought her character was very genuine. Peyton is 18 and about to attend Georgetown college. Her mother is running for Vice President and her father was a well-known author who wrote a book about her as he was dying, catapulting Peyton and her Mother into the spotlight. When questions start to arise questioning if Peyton's father was really her father, she starts to investigate and soon finds out that the world of politics is just one giant secret after another.  We also have Dylan Torres, an intern on the campaign trail. After Peyton says the wrong thing in an interview Dylan is asked to basically become Peyton's shadow to make sure she doesn't say the wrong thing. After pictures surface of what looks like a kiss between Dylan and Peyton the media wants a story. This was a quick read and it definitely wont be my last Caitlin Sinead book. 


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About Caitlin Sinead

Caitlin Sinead is represented by Andrea Somberg at Harvey Klinger, Inc. and her debut novel, Heartsick, is available now from Carina Press. Her writing has earned accolades from Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, Glimmer Train, and Writers & Artists, and her stories have appeared in multiple publications, including The Alarmist, The Binnacle, Crunchable, Jersey Devil Press, and Northern Virginia Magazine. She earned a master's degree in writing from Johns Hopkins University. Website | Twitter | Facebook | Newsletter

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