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Monday, August 3, 2015

Blitz: Forever Bound by Deanna Roy& GIVEAWAY

The newest book in the USA Today bestselling Forever Series is out – Forever Bound!

Jenny is a girlfriend-for-hire, the platonic kind.

While under contract with her movie director boyfriend, glamour has ruled. Designer gowns. Red-carpet premieres. And, of course, seeing her face in the tabloids.

She loves tabloids.

But her reign has come to an end. Her sugar daddy has fallen in love -- with someone else. Her contract is over and tonight she has to end it publicly by making sure the paparazzi "catches" her with another man.

She just has to find the man.

Chance has been hitchhiking across the US, playing and singing for tips. This is the life he's always imagined, and the farther he gets from his disastrous family in Tennessee, the better he feels.

An unexpected invitation to sing with an indie blues group at a movie premiere party gives him a sweet taste of fame. As a bonus, a beautiful girl with pink dreadlocks only has eyes for him.

But the collision between Jenny and Chance is more emotional and intense than either of them expected. When the scandal hits the news, Chance's family finds him, pushing him to come home and face his demons.

The night has even more consequences for Jenny. She needs to find Chance, but nobody knows anything about him, not even his last name.

Her journey takes her across the country and into the disaster Chance is running from. But she can't give up on him, because what neither of them realized is that sometimes a single night can be the beginning of forever.

It is a standalone HEA that does not require reading any other parts of the Forever series.

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If you would like to read the other three books first, you can get all three in one boxed set.

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Guest Post

The Song Behind the Book Forever Bound

I was DUMBSTRUCK when I first read the words to my friend Brad Whittington's song "Forever."

There ain't nothing you can say
To make me turn away
There ain't nothing you can do
To make me take my love away from you
Because I said forever
And that's just what I'm gonna to do 

I couldn't have imagined a song that better fit the theme of my Forever series. All the books have couples struggling to find their forever loves, and the newest novel in the series, Forever Bound, was definitely no different.

Chance is a singer/songwriter hitchhiking across the US for tips. Jenny has just been let out of her contract as a girlfriend-for-hire. Their collision is supposed to be a one-night stand. But it becomes something so much more.

Chance writes a lot of songs in the novel, courtesy of Brad's talented lyrics, and I was thrilled when both Brad and his don Daniel recorded acoustic and full-band versions of the song.

So go give them a listen!


Forever Bound is a standalone full-length romance in the USA Today bestselling Forever series by Deanna Roy.
Interview with a freakishly fun Book BFF

Today we’re chatting with Jenny, a character in Deanna Roy’s Forever Series. She had bit parts in all three Forever books, but takes the lead role in the newest standalone romance -- Forever Bound.

Q: So, tell us about us about the boyfriend.
A: The old one or the new one? The old one was a big secret. He was a movie director who hired me to be his girl. I was contractually obligated to wear designer clothes, spend his money, and go to A-list parties on his arm.

Q: So why is he the "old" one?
A: He fell in love! With someone else!

Q: So he ended your contract?
A: Yes! And took away the credit card! Not only that, I had to get "caught" by the paparazzi cheating on him with some new man, so he could establish a clean break with the press.

Q: Did you find a new man?
A: Of course. He was divine. He sang with the band at the after party for the premiere of that big dinosaur movie.

Q: And you got the pictures?
A: Well, I might have slightly overachieved on that. We went to the beach. Got a little crazy. And there may or may not have been footage of us skinny dipping in the ocean.

Q: Holy cow! Did he see it?
A: I don't know. He's disappeared off the face of the earth. Nobody knows his last name.

Q: Are you ever going to see him again?
A: I'm going to try. I'm going to search for him. Somebody has to know who he is.

Q: Was he that good in the ocean?
A: The short answer is, "Yes." The long answer, well, that's the whole story. Wish me luck. I'm definitely going to need it.


You can follow Jenny’s journey in finding the one guy she actually sees a future with in Deanna Roy's newest standalone romance in the USA Today bestselling Forever series -- Forever Bound.

Excerpt from Forever Bound

The guy I’d been watching walked over to the mike and said, “Hello, I’m Chance, and Paul here has kindly invited this Tennessee boy up to do a number.”

His name was Chance.

“Yeah!” Paul bellowed. He lifted his guitar strap over his head and handed it to Chance.

I made it to the base of the stage, where the crowd had left a gap in its disinterest. I wondered if my boy choice was doing to get their attention, or if he would be terrible.

I was rooting for him.

The band crashed into the opening licks, and when Chance started singing, I wanted to laugh out loud with giddiness. His voice was pure magic, deep and edgy.

He moved across stage like a fury, all energy and muscle. I was so close I could feel the wood floor shifting under his feet. His fingers squeezed the guitar in a steady grip. I was mesmerized by every movement. I could already see how his skilled hands would work on me.

I was hooked.

The song rollicked along for another chorus, then Chance brought them to a strong stop with a motion of his hand.

That’s when he saw me.

He froze a second, as if he couldn’t believe I was so close after he’d searched for me for so long. His smile spread to a wide grin. I’m sure my panties would have gone flying, if I’d been wearing any.


Forever Bound is a standalone full-length romance in the USA Today bestselling Forever series by Deanna Roy.

Excerpt from Forever Bound

Whoa. Who was that girl?

The party was full of women, polished and perfect and snooty in how they appraised me, like they were looking for something, and I wasn't it.

But not this one.

She seemed nervous, a little lost. Her green dress was as fancy as anyone's here, but that hair. I didn't know anybody with pink dreadlocks. She couldn't be an actress expecting to get many parts, unless the hair was for something she was doing right now.

It was wicked gorgeous. I'd never seen anyone like her.

The tables were packed, and clusters of animated people talked with exaggerated gestures, like they were game show hosts. I could see from the body language that everybody had too much to say and not enough patience to hear anybody else.

I looked her way a couple more times, trying not to stare.

The guitar I was holding during the band's break felt good. I wanted to crank out a solo, something dark and brooding, but this wasn't my gig. I set it back in its stand and couldn't help myself, but took one more look into the crowd.

My heart revved up when I saw she was watching me. Then she was heading this way. 


Forever Bound is a standalone full-length romance in the USA Today bestselling Forever series by Deanna Roy.

Deanna Roy is the USA Today bestselling author of the Forever Series. Find her on Facebook, Twitter, or Goodreads.

Learn more about the author at Join her mailing list for new releases and freebies at Deanna’s List.

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