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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Mini Review: The Looney Experiment by Luke Reynolds

The Looney Experiment by Luke Reynolds
Release date: August 4, 2015
Publisher: Blink
Buy here: Amazon BN

:Atticus Hobart couldn't feel lower. He s in love with a girl who doesn't know he exists, he is the class bully's personal punching bag, and to top it all off, his dad has just left the family. Into this drama steps Mr. Looney, a 77-year-old substitute English teacher with uncanny insight and a most unconventional approach to teaching. But Atticus soon discovers there's more to Mr. Looney's methods than he'd first thought. And as Atticus begins to unlock the truths within his own name, he finds that his hyper-imagination can help him forge his own voice, and maybe just maybe discover that the power to face his problems was inside him all along.

My Thoughts:
This was a quick read coming in at around 200 pages. I laughed so many times that I lost count throughout this book. This book has so many good messages in it. It also touches on a subject that is always in the new, bullying. I loved Mr. Looney and all the lessons he taught Atticus. I really loved how Atticus defended his role-model. I enjoy reading about characters coming into their own. Everyone should really read this book. The messages are great and inspiring. 

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