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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Blog tour: Together we heal by Chelsea M Cameron


Trish Grant is not a romantic. Okay, so she may read her share of romance novels, but that doesn’t mean she thinks that some fellow with a six pack is going to ride up on a horse and sweep her (literally) off her feet. Romance like that just isn’t for her. It belongs on the page.

Max Jackson noticed Trish at his cousin’s funeral, of all places. She was hard to miss with her citrus-colored hair, violet contacts and fiery attitude.

Trish was just as captivated by Max. He makes her laugh, which is rare, and it doesn’t hurt that he rocks blue hair and the most killer smirk that drives her crazy. Max is there for her during a rough time and even if she wanted to, she can’t shake him.

There are things about Trish that Max doesn’t know, and she’s not going to tell him. She hasn’t told anyone and doesn’t plan on it, thank you very much. But when Trish’s life is ripped apart by a dark piece of her past, will she let Max in? Or will she give up her potential fairytale to protect her already-scarred heart from further damage?
My Thoughts:
I'm a huge fan of Chelsea's, I have read almost every book that she's ever wrote. I love the way she writes about her characters, always a little flawed and bruised, never broken. This book pulled at the heart-strings. Trishella"Trish"Grant has had a very rough life. She was sexually abused and raped by her uncle and her parents were drug addicts. Her brother Stryker, was her only saving grace. Trish meets Max at the funeral for a friend. It's instant sparks. Trish has a very tough time opening up and trusting Max, who does everything in his power to make her believe that she is beautiful and worthy of love. Max also teaches her about patience. Both Max and Trish have had difficult upbringings, while Trish's was more severe, Max was an only child and sheltered his whole life with overbearing parents. I really enjoyed reading about these two coming together and falling in love. Trish is, hands-down, one of my favorite characters to date. I'll be re-reading this book, that's for sure.


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