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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Review: Trust me, I'm trouble by Mary Elizabeth Summer

Trust Me, I'm Trouble (Trust Me #2)
by Mary Elizabeth Summer
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Release Date: October 13th 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller, Fiction
Rate: 4


The sequel to TRUST ME, I’M LYING

Staying out of trouble isn’t possible for Julep Dupree. She has managed not to get kicked out of her private school, even though everyone knows she’s responsible for taking down a human-trafficking mob boss—and getting St. Agatha’s golden-boy Tyler killed in the process. Running cons holds her guilty conscience at bay, but unfortunately, someone wants Julep to pay for her mistakes . . . with her life.

Against her better judgment, Julep takes a shady case that requires her to infiltrate a secretive organization that her long-gone mother and the enigmatic blue fairy may be connected to. Her best friend, Sam, isn’t around to stop her, and Dani, her one true confidante, happens to be a nineteen-year-old mob enforcer whose moral compass is as questionable as Julep’s. But there’s not much time to worry about right and wrong—or to save your falling heart—when there’s a contract on your head.

Murders, heists, secrets and lies, hit men and hidden identities . . . If Julep doesn’t watch her back, it’s her funeral. No lie.

I loved the first book and was so excited to finally read the second one. It pretty much picks up right where book one ended. There was a lot of twists and turns in this book and I even found myself pausing to try and figure out who to trust. Like everyone else, I really liked this version of Julep much more. She wasn't so trusting and she took the time to actually think through her options. I loved catching up with the characters in the first book and was happy to see her relationship with Dani blossom into something more. This was a great sequel to an amazing first book. 

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Follow the Trust Me, I'm Trouble by Mary Elizabeth Summer Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Mary Elizabeth Summer is an instructional designer, a mom, a champion of the serial comma, and a pie junkie. Oh, and she sometimes writes books about teenage delinquents saving the day. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her daughter, her partner, and her evil overlor–er, cat. TRUST ME, I'M LYING, a YA mystery, will be released by Delacorte in Fall 2014.

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