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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blog tour: This Ordinary Life by Jennifer Walkup

This Ordinary Life
by Jennifer Walkup
Publisher: Luminis Books, Inc.
Release Date: October 1st 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Realistic Fiction
Rate: 4


Sometimes Hope is the Most Extraordinary Gift of All.

High-school radio host Jasmine Torres's life is full of family dysfunction, but if she can score the internship of her dreams with a New York City radio station, she knows she can turn things around. 

That is, until her brother Danny’s latest seizure forces her to miss the interview, and she’s back to the endless loop of missing school for his doctor appointments, picking up the pieces of her mother’s booze-soaked life, and stressing about Danny’s future. 

Then she meets Wes. He’s the perfect combination of smart, cute, and funny. He also happens to have epilepsy like her brother. Wes is living a normal life despite his medical issues, which gives Jasmine hope for Danny. But memories of her cheating ex-boyfriend keep her from going on a real date with Wes, no matter how many times he asks her. 

Jasmine can’t control everything. Not who wins the internship, not her mother’s addiction, not her brother’s health--not even where her heart will lead her. She wishes she could just have an ordinary life, but maybe what she already has is pretty extraordinary after all.

I really enjoyed this book. I've been wanting to read it and so glad that I was able to. Jasmine's life is not easy. Her brother Danny has seizures and instead  of her mom being the parent, Jasmine is forced to be the parent and take all responsibility while cleaning up her Mother's alcoholic life. Wes..don't get me started on Wes. He is absolutely adorably perfect. I loved his and Jasmine's relationship. It was sweet. Sometimes when a lead character is facing all kinds of problems, they just lay down and give up. Not Jasmine. She has the strength and courage to keep fighting. This is a must read for everyone. 

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Follow the This Ordinary Life Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Award-winning author Jennifer Walkup is most often found writing, reading, and spending time with her husband and young sons. A member of SCBWI and RWA, Jennifer also works as an editor and creative writing instructor, and is an advocate for Epilepsy awareness. This Ordinary Life is her second novel.

To hear about Jennifer's upcoming books, sign up for her newsletter here:

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