Review Policy

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Review: Courted by Jennifer Chance

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Fans of Meg Cabot's Princess Diaries will enjoy COURTED, a New Adult Contemporary Romance with a modern royals flair, about a young woman about to give up on her dreams … and the prince whose dreams she could help make come true.

About Courted:

Title: Courted
Author: Jennifer Chance
Publisher: Elewyn Publishing
Release Date: October 6, 2015
Series: Gowns & Crowns #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Length: 222 Pages
ISBN: 9781943768042

Aspiring concert violist Emmaline Aurora Grace Andrews is torn between her love of family and her love of music. A year ago, she deferred entering a prestigious graduate program to help her parents recover from a devastating accident. Now the deferment is expiring, but her parents still need her. Worse, every time she plays her audition piece, she mangles it. Is it too late to be the musician she'd always dreamed of? Should she even try?

Determined to get clarity, Emmaline accepts a friend's offer for a whirlwind European vacation. First Stop: a real live fantasy kingdom—the perfect place to sort wishes from reality.

Prince Kristos Andris was a respected captain in his nation’s military… Was. In the wake of the tragic death of his elder brother, he's managed to avoid his duties as the new Crown Prince of Garronia for months. But now he must accept his responsibilities and leave his troops behind. Outraged at the restrictions of his new royal position, he'll do anything for one last adventure. So when opportunity suddenly lands in his arms in the form of a dreamy-eyed American girl, he embraces it (and her) for all he's worth. What's the harm in a quick fling, after all? It won’t change what he knows he must do…

Only this is Garronia in the summertime, where passion has a way of ruining even the most sensible of plans.

My Thoughts:
This book was so sweet. It reminded me of the Prince and I, I absolutely loved it. I love a good fairy tale romance and this book hit the sweet spot for me. Both Emmaline and Kristos have gave up what they loved for family and duty. Emmaline gave her hopes of being part of an orchestra due to her parent's accident and Kristos gave up his career in the military to become king since his brother went missing. This book will make you believe in the whole love-at-first sight fairy tale romance. I loved the characters and cant wait to read the second book in this series.

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About Jennifer Chance:

Jennifer Chance is the award-winning author of the new adult Rule Breakers series as well as the modern royals Gowns & Crowns series. A lover of books, romance, and happily-ever-afters, she lives and writes in Ohio. In addition to her work in romance, she is also Jenn Stark, urban fantasy author of the Immortal Vegas series, and Jennifer McGowan, YA author of the Elizabethan spy series The Maids of Honor. She is truly NOT trying to become 27 Jennifers, but it’s getting a little dicey.

You can find her online at, on Facebook at and on Twitter at @Jenn_Chance.

Connect with Jennifer:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads

Rafflecopter for Virtual Blog Tour Giveaway: Jennifer is offering up some fabulous prizes during her Courted Virtual Tour event. One (1) lucky grand prize winner will receive a $25 Gift Card for Amazon or B&N (winner’s choice) and two (2) runner-ups will win an eBook copy of Rock It, book #1 in Jennifer’s Rule Breakers series! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below: a Rafflecopter giveaway Direct Link:

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