Review Policy

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Review: Sing your heart out by Crystal Kaswell

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Book & Author details:

Sing Your Heart Out by Crystal Kaswell
(Sinful Serenade #1)
Publication date: Fall 2015
Genres: New Adult, Romance
My rating: 4

Good girls don’t date rockstars.
They certainly don’t take rock stars as fuck buddies.
Still a virgin at 21, Meg Smart walks a straight and narrow path. She aces her classes, excels at her part time job, and carefully avoids the black hole that is mourning her sister. There’s no room in her life for trouble–no drinks, no drugs, and especially no boyfriends.
Fine with Miles.
Rock star Miles Webb doesn’t do boyfriend. He doesn’t do intimacy, or love, or anything that isn’t effortless and casual. The only time the singer reveals himself is on stage. His gorgeous, tortured voice hints at the kind of unspeakable pain Meg understands all too well. Only the second he steps off stage he transforms into a cocky, know-it-all player.
Their chemistry is red-hot. He’s tattooed, tall, and totally irresistible. She can’t handle a one-night stand, and a relationship is totally out of the question.
That only leaves one option:
Friends with benefits.
Just sex. Just fun.
No secrets, no feelings, no falling in love.
Only neither one of them can quite abide by the terms.

My Thoughts:
I thorough enjoyed this book. I'm a sucker for any book that has a rock star in it. This was the first book that I read from Ms. Kaswell and I loved her writing style. I loved Meg. She is strong, independent and knows what she wants. She meets Miles while looking for a bathroom and finds him having sex. It was a funny scene. They have an instat click-chemistry kinda thing going on. Friends with benefits is what they settle on, but it's pretty obvious that this two just can't be strictly FWB, not with their chemistry. Miles was not what I was expecting. He's a smart, sweet rock god. I loved the story-line and the characters. I can't wait to read more from this author. 


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Crystal Kaswell writes steamy new adult and erotic romance books. She loves when flawed characters fall head over heels for each other. Especially if they fall into bed first. She loves police procedurals, tea, and The Hunger Games series. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband.

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