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Monday, June 1, 2015

Review: Reaching Rose by JP Grider

Reaching Rose
Reaching Rose by JP Grinder
Publisher: Fated hearts publishing
Buy or borrow: BUY
Buy here: Amazon

Synopsis:       Rose Duncan is dancing on Broadway. She’s spent hours a day for the last two decades to get there, and now she’s living the dream. She’s happy, she’s driven, and life couldn’t get any better.

Ben Falco is a pitcher whose only goal is to make it to the Major Leagues. He keeps his grades up, he doesn’t party, and he stays away from committed relationships – they’ll only distract him.

But when Ben meets Rose, she’s no dancer, and she’s certainly not happy. In fact, she doesn’t seem to be living at all. Yet something about her makes him want to know what’s turned her into this shell of a person, and if he can be the one to reach inside her mind and pull her out.

Ben doesn’t want a relationship. Rose doesn’t want to get better. But once their hearts collide, it’s a whole new ballgame.

Reaching Rose is a story about Rose and Ben, and a little about their friend Johnny Gleason – a genius who has plans of his own until they too slip from his grasp. This is a tale about love, loss, and guts, and the ability to play hardball when life throws you a curve.

My Thoughts:   I have never heard of this author or read anything of hers. This book made me laugh and cry all at the same time. I may have even been swooning over Benny, as his Mama calls him. Rose is a senior in college who is about to make her dream come true of dancing on Broadway. She was just 3 short weeks of achieving that dream when on her way to practice she gets hit by a delivery truck. The accident was crippling and left Rose wanting to die. Enter Benito aka Ben. Ben is your hot-shot baseball pitcher on his way to the majors when he tears his meniscus and has to have it repaired. Ben meets Rose in rehab. Right away he's drawn to her. After the accident Rose stops speaking and just gives up. It's Ben that helps her along. This book is about loss, love and never giving up. Both these characters have lost something, but both of them still achieve their dreams. Just because you lose something, doesn't mean you have to lose yourself. 

Recommendations:  Mending Michael by JP Grider 

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