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Friday, June 12, 2015

Review: The gilded cage by Lauren Smith

The gilded cage by Lauren Smith
Release date: June 9, 2015
Publisher: Forever yours
Buy or borrow: buy
Buy here: Amazon   Barnes&Noble

Synopsis:  Passion that takes no prisoners, and love that tests the limits of ecstasy . . .

Fenn Lockwood comes alive in the shadows. Though he might have physically survived the kidnapping that stole his childhood, the trauma and pain he lived through have marked him forever. Now the only place where Fenn can be himself is within the walls of his private BDSM world-a place of erotic obsession, where desire isn't just captured . . . it's bound. 

Hayden Thorne knows that behind Fenn's hardened exterior is a man worth fighting for. Yet to save him from the past that still haunts him, Hayden will have to abandon every inhibition she's ever had and venture into Fenn's intoxicatingly sensual world. Each tantalizing second she spends in Fenn's searing embrace is more delicious than the last and soon Hayden begins to think that she may never want to leave such torturous bliss . . .

My thoughts:  Crossfire series with a touch of Nicholas Spark's 'The longest Ride'? Did any of the rest of y'all think that as well? We have Fenn Smith aka Fenn Lockwood who is a cowboy/bull rider riding a dangerous bull to save a ranch. That's the N. Sparks reference, my friends. Fenn was one of the Lockwood twins stolen from a party at the family's estate. He blocked all of his memories out so he only remembers being Fenn Smith from Walnut springs, Colorado who lives on a ranch with Jim and Callie.
Now, we have Hayden who saves Fenn from getting mauled by the bull that threw him, by jumping the fence and running across in her red Valentino dress and I think, it was Jimmy Choo shoes. Hayden is on a mission to get to Fenn and tell him who he is-an heir to the Lockwood fortune. Fenn is also in danger from a killer who wants to finish the job from 25 years ago. This book has a touch of BDSM, but it was so light that I found it romantic.

I liked Hayden and Fenn, they had instant chemistry from the time Hayden saved him from the bull. This book was fast-paced and suspenseful. Lauren Smith wrote another hit. 

Recommendations: The Gilded Cuff by Lauren Smith

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