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Monday, July 6, 2015

Promo: Not Every Girl by Jane McGarry + Author interview+ GIVEAWAY

Not Every Girl
Release Date: 04/27/15
Clean Reads
275 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Olivia Davenport’s plan is destined to fail.

She is going through with it anyway, of course. After all, it is the chance of a lifetime. The unreasonable rules of others should not stand in her way.

In her small kingdom of Stewartsland, Olivia trains with the squires and harbors a secret dream. She longs to become a knight under the command of the Master-of–Arms, who just happens to be her father. He has indulged her passion so far, but they both know a simple fact – girls may not attain knighthood. Dismayed by the constant discouragement of her ambitions, she makes an impetuous decision to disguise herself as a boy in order to sneak on a mission. The consequences are not at all what she anticipated.

When her deception is revealed, she is sent home in disgrace; however, an unexpected turn of events puts her at the center of a dangerous plot against the King. The ensuing adventure finds her grappling with mercenaries and outlaws, yet these pale in comparison to her newly awakened emotions. She finds not only her life at risk, but also her heart, when the aloof Prince Liam begins to affect her in ways she never thought possible. In the end, it is her courage and unique spirit which must guide her through the challenges she encounters both physical and emotional. 

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About the Author
Reading was always a big part of my life. Creating my own stories developed out of this love. Finally, I decided to try my hand at writing a novel and that was when Not Every Girl was conceived.

I live in New Jersey with my husband, two sons and an extremely spoiled cat. When I am not running around with my family or writing, I can be found curled up with a good book and said cat. It is my belief that a good book, a loyal pet and anything made of chocolate can brighten just about any day.

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Author Interview with Jane McGarry
1.      Where did you get the idea for Not Every Girl?

Stories about knights, castles and adventure were always favorites of mine, so that was the jumping off point. First, I had the idea of this strong female protagonist and what her experience would be in a world full of men. I wanted her to be strong, but have enough self-doubt to resonate with readers as authentic. Of course, both character and plot evolved in different ways as I wrote, and not always in the manner I expected. But, the end result is more or less what I originally imagined.

2.      What inspired you to become a writer?

I’ve always love to read. When I was young, I might imagine a story had a different ending or plot twist. Eventually, I started creating my own stories, but always thought the idea of publishing a book was just a dream. Over the years, I read voraciously and found that I enjoyed the young adult genre. The idea for Not Every Girl developed and I finally decided the time had come to give the “dream” a shot. 

3.      Of the writing process, what do you enjoy most?

I love the limitless possibilities to create stories and worlds. The excitement when you start a new project and all the elements are half-formed waiting to be hammered out into something that does the idea in your brain justice. (Of course, that’s when the hard stuff starts!)

4.      What is your top writing tip for new writers?

I am asked this a lot and my answer is simple—write.  There will never be a perfect time, life will always try to get in the way.  But, if you write something—anything—you can always go back and edit it. You can’t edit a blank page.  If you just manage to get a small bit down every day, over time it will add up to something substantial.

5.      What are you working on right now?

Right now I am working on the sequel to Not Every Girl. Now that she has proved herself in battle, Olivia has some new troubles to work through with Liam. It is exciting to be able to continue their story and I look forward to sharing it with everyone.



I came to offer the young lady one of my guards as
an escort home."
That is not part of my plan! And besides, my father
could not seriously consider
sending me off into the woods with a strange man, r
oyal guard or not. It takes every ounce
of my restraint to not jump up and protest.
"That is gracious of you, Your Majesty," my father
answers. "However, I am
concerned about the propriety of that arrangement.
Not," he adds hastily, "that I would
expect anything less than the highest scruples from
one of your men."
Good. So Father has a grasp on the situation. Sendi
ng me back with any strange man
and no female chaperone is entirely inappropriate.
And there are no other women on the
trip. Too bad Puck isn't here; my father would trus
t him with me. Now, they will all have to
work out the only viable option—that I continue on t
he trip. I merely sit quietly and wait
for them to come to this inevitable conclusion.
"Well, I certainly understand your feelings. Especi
ally since the young lady in
question is your daughter," King William agrees. "I
am sure if I had a daughter of my own, I
would feel much the same way."
They discuss me as if I am not sitting right here,
as if I have no capacity for
thought—or hearing. I am actually quite capable of
taking care of myself and could get
home without help from any man, thank you anyway. N
ot that I will suggest this as an
option, of course.
Time drags into a prolonged silence. Birds chatter
in the trees, the river bubbles
happily by, the men are all packed and ready to go.
They stand in a huddled mass waiting
for instructions from their superiors. Come on guys
, surely one of you can figure out the
answer. My father must be aware of the only solutio
n, so why isn't he saying anything?
Perhaps he is waiting for the King to suggest it, s
o it appears he thought of the idea and can
take credit for it.
"If I may make a suggestion, Sir Jack..." Prince Liam
I am so happy someone is finally going to state the
obvious, I don't even care that it
is coming from his egotistical mouth. But then, he
decides to become the next person to
throw a wrench in my plans.
"Why don't I accompany the young lady home along wi
th one of the guards. I give
my word that everything will be handled with the ut
most discretion."

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