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Friday, February 26, 2016

Review: Stone Cold Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan

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Montana Men #4
Jennifer Ryan
Releasing February 23rd, 2016
Avon Books

The last thing rancher Rory Kendrick expects to find when he’s searching for his missing cattle is a genuine damsel in distress. After rushing to help, he can’t help wanting to do anything he can for this lovely but damaged woman. But even his kind deed won’t get Sadie to tell him who’s responsible for hurting her.

Sadie is trying to hold onto her family, and her life. With an ill father who’s refusing treatment and a younger brother who has fallen in with a dangerous crowd, she’s beginning to feel like she can’t save anyone, least of all herself. When her brother owes money to the wrong people, Sadie tries to pay off his debts, but she doesn’t have the cash. The one person who might be able to help her out is the last person she wants to involve in her family drama, but Rory won’t take no for an answer.

Rory is all about family, but sometimes you’ve got to let go. If you can’t save them, save yourself. Sadie’s been dealt a bad hand she refuses to fold. Because he loves her, he’ll do anything to keep her safe and give her the happy life she deserves, even betray her trust to take down her brother.

This is the second book of Jennifer Ryan's that I have read and she is really starting to become one of my top favorite authors. I love that the books take place in Montana, such a special place to me. I also really love of she makes her characters strong and independent, but yet they still need someone to take care of them. It's very much true to life. I didn't think I could possibly like a story more than Dane and Bell's, but Rory and Sadie captured my heart. You can't help but to feel sorry for Sadie, but at the same time you have to admire her courage and morals. She tries so hard to keep her brother out of trouble, even after everything that went down because of Connor she still tried to give him one last chance to redeem himself. Don't even get me started on Rory. From the moment he found Sadie left for dead, he automatically became a special cowboy in my book. He's the strong silent type and Sadie made him better. She restored his soul and heart. These two characters will grab your heart and make you love them. I can't wait to raw more from this author. 

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Jennifer Ryan is the New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of The Hunted Series and The McBrides Series. She writes romantic suspense and contemporary small-town romances featuring strong men and equally resilient women. Her stories are filled with love, family, friendship, and the happily-ever-after we all hope to find.

Jennifer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and three children. When she isn’t writing a book, she’s reading one. Her obsession with both is often revealed in the state of her home and in how late dinner is to the table. When she finally leaves those fictional worlds, you’ll find her in the garden, playing in the dirt and daydreaming about people who live only in her head, until she puts them on paper.

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