Review Policy

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Review: Marked by Laura Williams McCaffrey

by Laura Williams McCaffrey
Publisher: Clarion Books
Release Date: February 16th 2016
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia
Rate: 3


Sixteen-year-old Lyla lives in a bleak, controlling society where only the brightest and most favored students succeed. When she is caught buying cheats in an underground shadow market, she is tattooed—marked—as a criminal. Then she is offered redemption and she jumps at the chance . . . but it comes at a cost. Doing what is right means betraying the boy she has come to love, and, perhaps, losing even more than she thought possible. Graphic novel–style vignettes revealing the history of this world provide Lyla with guidance and clues to a possible way out of the double bind she finds herself in.

This book took me a hot minute to get into, but when I finally did (around chapter 5) it was really good. I'm a fan of anything dystopian so this book was right up my alley. It was a little difficult for me to follow at the beginning. I really liked the bond between Hope and Lyla. In a roundabout way, this book almost reminded me of the Divergent series, was I the only one who thought that?
Hope made a mistake and she was just trying to right the wrong she made, she gets an offer she can't refuse, and in doing so, she becomes confused as to what she can really do to help. There's a strong family dynamic in this book, things you usually don't see in dystopians. Overall this was truly a book I enjoyed and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future. 

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I read, I write, I teach. I've published short stories in Cicada, YA Review Network, Solstice Literary Magazine, and Soundings Review. Clarion Books will release Marked, my YA dystopian fantasy, in February 2016. My other fantasy novels are WATER SHAPER and ALIA WAKING (both published by Clarion Books). For more information, it's best to visit my website:

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