Review Policy

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Review: First Touch by Laurelin Paige

Release Date: December 29, 2015
Publisher: St. Martins Press
My rating: 5
Buy here:  Amazon

Emily Wayborn is finally her own woman.
After a string of shameful relationships and reckless partying with her best friend Amber, she’s now a successful voiceover actress, her wild past and everyone in it firmly behind her. Until she receives a cryptic voicemail from her former friend that sends her spiraling into the darkness she thought she had outrun. One thing is clear from the message, Amber is in trouble.
Determined to track down her friend, Emily follows a chain of clues that leads her to Reeve Sallis, a gorgeous and equally dangerous hotelier known for his power games and shady dealings. Now, in order to find Amber, Emily must return to her playgirl ways to uncover his secrets and track down her friend. But as she becomes more entangled with him, she finds she's drawn to Reeve and his depravity despite her growing conviction that he may be the one responsible for Amber’ s disappearance.

My Thoughts:
Wow. Wow. Wow. If I could give this book a ten, I would! It was seriously that good. Everything about this book drew me in, the characters, the plot, and the great writing. I loved Emily and how far she has come from where she started and I loved her devotion to find her friend, Amber, even though they didn't leave things on good terms. Don't even get me started on the mysterious bad-boy Reeve, we will be here all day if I have to list everything I loved about him. I kept going back and forth on Reeve, I couldn't decide if he was bad or good. There's so much about him that we didn't find out till the end of the book. 
Emily wasn't supposed to fall in love, she was just going to sleep with Reeve until she found the information that she needed to find Amber, but the heart wants what the heart wants. I have to give Emily credit, she fought the feelings for Reeve better than I would have. She was a very diabolical character, she had a vulnerable side and horrible things that happened to her in the past, but she's also really strong. She has goals and she keeps pushing towards them. This book is full of games and tests that the characters put each other through. I seriously could not put this book down. It does end at a very inconvenient place, I really can't wait till the second book comes out. This is one book you'll really want to read. 

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