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Monday, September 25, 2017

Tugs and missed connections.

This is going to be a life post and some real talk. Basically, I'm just going to ramble about missed chances and pray y'all get where I'm coming from.

Maybe I'm weird or something, but sometimes I get a strong feeling that I should be somewhere other than where I am. I call them tugs. It literally feels like my heart is nudging me to go where it wants me to. Years ago I felt a tug to take a project on in Vancouver and that's where I met my husband. I've felt tugs to go to Florida, Paris, and even just Colorado. It's funny though because when I give in something always happens when I'm there. Something good. Lately, I've been feeling the pull to the PNW, Seattle. There's a good chance I'm going to end up going too. I literally can't ignore this tugging on my heart.

Another thing that sometimes happens to me, well, it happened a lot more before I was married. There was time when I was on the beach in Sullivans Island and I felt like someone was watching me. I looked up and met this guys eyes. We just stared at each other for a few minutes. Eventually the moment was over and nothing ever came of it. It was almost like a missed connection. Like, maybe we could've had a relationship. I don't know, but that's happened to me a number of times. There's also a 99.9% chance that I'm completely crazy too. Am I the only one who feels things like this? Let me know!

Hope y'all are having a great Monday!

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