Review Policy

Monday, September 25, 2017

Tugs and missed connections.

This is going to be a life post and some real talk. Basically, I'm just going to ramble about missed chances and pray y'all get where I'm coming from.

Maybe I'm weird or something, but sometimes I get a strong feeling that I should be somewhere other than where I am. I call them tugs. It literally feels like my heart is nudging me to go where it wants me to. Years ago I felt a tug to take a project on in Vancouver and that's where I met my husband. I've felt tugs to go to Florida, Paris, and even just Colorado. It's funny though because when I give in something always happens when I'm there. Something good. Lately, I've been feeling the pull to the PNW, Seattle. There's a good chance I'm going to end up going too. I literally can't ignore this tugging on my heart.

Another thing that sometimes happens to me, well, it happened a lot more before I was married. There was time when I was on the beach in Sullivans Island and I felt like someone was watching me. I looked up and met this guys eyes. We just stared at each other for a few minutes. Eventually the moment was over and nothing ever came of it. It was almost like a missed connection. Like, maybe we could've had a relationship. I don't know, but that's happened to me a number of times. There's also a 99.9% chance that I'm completely crazy too. Am I the only one who feels things like this? Let me know!

Hope y'all are having a great Monday!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

I forgot to hit publish (Major fail whale moment)

Y'all!!! I had a whole weeks worth of posts that I had ready to go and I forgot to hit publish. I guess I've been away from blogging for too long Ugh. I set them for this week. Heres to hoping I always hit publish!

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Welcome to the sweet life y'all!

Hi y'all!

Is anyone out there still reading this? Hahaha. Welcome to the Sweet Life where I'll be reviewing books, sharing my favorite recipes, travel destinations, fashion/make-up loves, and some life talk.

For a long while I just reviewed books and that got kind of boring. It was the same thing over and over and I burnt out on it. That's why the reviews stopped. My heart just wasn't in it. So, I decided to change some things up. Ill still be reviewing books, but I'll be doing it my way. When I started this blog I tried so hard to mimic what other bloggers were doing and I'm pretty sure that's where I went wrong. I'll be talking about anything I want! Life is way too short to not write/do what you want. Ill defintely try and be more active and engaging this time around. I'm so excited to start new. I'll see you tomorrow with a new post!

Keep it sweet y'all