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Monday, September 5, 2016

Review: Run to you by Rachel Lacey


Risking it All #1
Rachel Lacey
Releasing Aug 30th, 2016


Moments after meeting the most gorgeous guy ever, Gabby Winters promptly gets stung by a zillion yellow jackets and falls-not gracefully-into a stream. Yup, Ethan Hunter is trouble with a capital "hot," and Gabby definitely needs to keep her distance. Except in the small town of Haven, there's nowhere to hide from Ethan's sexy, infectious grin . . . and all the residents are conspiring against her.

At the center of the town's matchmaking is Ethan's grandmother, who's convinced their relationship is a done deal. Rather than break her heart, Gabby and Ethan find themselves cornered into pretending to be falling in love. The problem: there's serious sizzling attraction between them. And if this charade continues, they won't fool just the entire town - they might fool themselves too . . .

My Thoughts:

I have been waiting for this book since I read Rock with you. Rachel Lacey did not disappoint with her debut full-length novel. There's something about the way this author writes that I would read a phone book if she wrote it. 
I love books that are set in small towns, there's just something so cozy about them. Gabby and Ethan are not looking for any kind of relationship. Gabby just got out of one and Ethan is trying to get his business off the ground, but as we all know, things hardly ever work out as we want them to.  
             Gabby is the first one to think that there could be more between them, it takes Ethan a hot minute to realize what he wants. My favorite part of the book is the relationship between Gabby and Ethan's grandma, Dixie, for some reason the bond between the two of them warmed my heart. 
There are two more books coming in this series and I can not wait to read them. 


Don't miss ROCK WITH YOU, 
a Risking it All Novella

Rachel Lacey is a contemporary romance author and semi-reformed travel junkie. She's been climbed by a monkey on a mountain in Japan, gone scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef, and camped out overnight in New York City for a chance to be an extra in a movie. These days, the majority of her adventures take place on the pages of the books she writes. She lives in warm and sunny North Carolina with her husband, son, and a variety of rescue pets.

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