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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Review: Splinter by Sarah Fine

Splinter by Sarah Fine
Release date: August 2, 2016
Publisher: 47North
My rating: 4
Buy here: Amazon

Mattie Carver has relinquished the world of magic, with all its dark temptations. In six weeks, she’ll marry Ben Ward and claim the safe, small-town life she craves. But Mattie’s talents as a reliquary—someone able to smuggle magic within her body—make her a valuable commodity, even to those she trusts the most. Forced out of retirement by a painful betrayal, she must seek the help of the man she’s tried desperately to stay away from: Ben’s estranged brother, Asa.
Asa, a sensor and magic dealer, may have saved Ben months ago, but he’s complicated Mattie’s life beyond imagining. Trailed by lethal mobsters through Chicago’s seamy magical underbelly and an eerie traveling carnival, Mattie struggles to endure the priceless magic she’s holding and her feelings for Asa. Once, she thought she’d chosen her path. Now the only option may be to succumb to the destiny that’s choosing her, and hope she’s strong enough to survive.

My Thoughts:

"When we're together, he said, you give me control, You let me be in charge. You might surrender, but this isn't war baby"

That, my friends. is probably my favorite line out of the whole book. I love nothing more than a take-charge hot guy. Asa delivered. 
Soooooo, I confess that I did not read the first book in this series. In my defense, I didn't know this was a series. With that said, make sure you read the first book first, ok? Ok.
This book was all kinds of supernatural, magic-y fun. I'm intrigued with books that deal with magic. At first I really didn't think I would like this book, but after about ten minutes of reading, I realiased that I was hooked. 
Without giving away any spoilers, Ben, Mattie's fiance, has done something really boneheaded that makes Mattie not trust him. Now enter Asa, Ben's brother. He's saved Mattie in the first book and now he's back to save her again. In my opinion, Mattie has way more chemistry with Asa than Ben. I honestly can not wait till the third book releases. It seems like such a long time :(
Happy Tuesday!

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