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Friday, March 25, 2016

Review: Losing the Light by Andrea Dunlop

Losing the Light by Andrea Dunlop
Release date: February 23, 2016
Publisher: Washington Square Press
My Rating: 4
Buy here: Amazon 

“It has art, scandal, and hot French men set against a destination backdrop. Yes, please.” (Redbook)

A smart, obsessive debut novel about a young woman studying abroad who becomes caught up in a seductive French world—and a complex web of love and lust.

When thirty-year-old Brooke Thompson unexpectedly runs into a man from her past, she’s plunged headlong into memories she’s long tried to forget about the year she spent in France following a disastrous affair with a professor.

As a newly arrived exchange student in the picturesque city of Nantes, young Brooke develops a deep and complicated friendship with Sophie, a fellow American and stunning blonde, whose golden girl façade hides a precarious emotional fragility. Sophie and Brooke soon become inseparable and find themselves intoxicated by their new surroundings—and each other.

But their lives are forever changed when they meet a sly, stylish French student, Veronique, and her impossibly sexy older cousin, Alex. The cousins draw Sophie and Brooke into an irresistible world of art, money, decadence, and ultimately, a disastrous love triangle that consumes them both. And of the two of them, only one will make it home.

My Thoughts:
This book was ridiculously good. I was drawn into a whole other world while reading. I actually felt like I was there with Brooke and Sophie. It was a very seductive, mysterious, and enchanting world The author did an amazing job with all the characters. The book was in Brooke's POV and I couldn't help but to feel bad for her, she was completely out of her comfort zone and I think Alex and Sophie kind of took advantage of that. While the book never came right out and said it, but I think Sophie manipulated a lot of the situations between herself, Brooke and Alex. I'm pretty sure Alex wasn't innocent either, but I can just chalk that up to him being French. Having been to France multiple times, I can attest to the fact that it is so easy to get swept up in the French culture and that whole seductive lifestyle. I keep questioning what would happen if Brooke used the ticket Sophie sent her and went back to France. Would the ending still be the same? This was one of the best debut books I have read in a long time and I can't wait to see whats next for this author. 

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