Review Policy

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

W.I.N. Wednesday

Hey y,all! So I thought I would do something different today instead of the standard review. I know everyone does the whole WOW Wednesday, but I'm doing what I need Wednesday.The books that I'll feature here will be fall releases and some of my all time favorite authors. I also want to thank everyone for visiting my little corner of the blog world. So, today's WIN Wednesday is..............

Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain
Release date: October 6, 2015
Pre-order: Amazon Barnes&Noble

Synopsis:  Molly Arnette is very good at keeping secrets. She lives in San Diego with a husband she adores, and they are trying to adopt a baby because they can't have a child on their own. But the process of adoption brings to light many questions about Molly's past and her family-the family she left behind in North Carolina twenty years before. The mother she says is dead but who is very much alive. The father she adored and whose death sent her running from the small community of Morrison's Ridge. Her own birth mother whose mysterious presence in her family raised so many issues that came to a head. The summer of twenty years ago changed everything for Molly and as the past weaves together with the present story, Molly discovers that she learned to lie in the very family that taught her about pretending. If she learns the truth about her beloved father's death, can she find peace in the present to claim the life she really wants?

Why I need it:  Diane Chamberlain's book's are always filled with twists and turns and they always have that element of surprise to them. In almost every book I've read of hers there's always that one thing you didn't see coming that just makes you go "Ah now I get it" and just ties all the loose ends together. This book looks like it has all the factors that makes Diane's books amazing. I'll put the links to where you can pre-order them. Here's a few of my favorite Diane Chamberlain books.

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