Review Policy

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Let me introduce myself....again

 Hey y'all. I'm Shanna. This isn't my first rodeo when it comes to blogging. I've done this before, but life got in the way. I love books more than I can articulate. I want this blog to be more though, I want it to be about the things i'm passionate about.

 I'm going to start with what I'm reading right now. These reckless hearts by E.M. Moore. This is the third book of this series and I'm loving it! It's a reverse harem, which I adore. Also, If I'm being honest I'd like my own harem of men. Hey, don't judge lol. Dakota and her men are trying to find some treasure, I still don't know if they've found it since I'm only about 20% into it, but its straight fire right now. Ms. Moore is an author that I've followed for a while now. She has plenty of other RH series and they're all reallllly good. The heights crew was my absolute fav though. I'll link everything below. 

Honestly, I have no goal when it comes to this blog. I'm just going to write about what I love and if no one reads it, that's cool too. At least there will be something out there in the universe that I wrote. That's all for me tonight, its late here. I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully. 

Here's E.M Moores link on amazon. 

These reckless hearts

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thinking..just thinking

 Really want to start here again, just not with books though....maybe my fav products and what I’m loving kinda thing? Maybe? 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Worlds gone bananas

 Is this blog even being read anymore? Yall I dont know anymore. It's been over a year and in that year this word fell apart. Actually, since Trump has taken over, it all went to hell. I'm just going to ramble. I'm not a trump supporter. I can't stand the man. This is coming from a republican, but that man is not a republican. He's his own kind of cult leader. Maybe I'll start posting here again. There's not much to do anymore with a pandemic raging. Idk. Whoever reads this I hope you're save and sane. Till next time.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Tugs and missed connections.

This is going to be a life post and some real talk. Basically, I'm just going to ramble about missed chances and pray y'all get where I'm coming from.

Maybe I'm weird or something, but sometimes I get a strong feeling that I should be somewhere other than where I am. I call them tugs. It literally feels like my heart is nudging me to go where it wants me to. Years ago I felt a tug to take a project on in Vancouver and that's where I met my husband. I've felt tugs to go to Florida, Paris, and even just Colorado. It's funny though because when I give in something always happens when I'm there. Something good. Lately, I've been feeling the pull to the PNW, Seattle. There's a good chance I'm going to end up going too. I literally can't ignore this tugging on my heart.

Another thing that sometimes happens to me, well, it happened a lot more before I was married. There was time when I was on the beach in Sullivans Island and I felt like someone was watching me. I looked up and met this guys eyes. We just stared at each other for a few minutes. Eventually the moment was over and nothing ever came of it. It was almost like a missed connection. Like, maybe we could've had a relationship. I don't know, but that's happened to me a number of times. There's also a 99.9% chance that I'm completely crazy too. Am I the only one who feels things like this? Let me know!

Hope y'all are having a great Monday!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

I forgot to hit publish (Major fail whale moment)

Y'all!!! I had a whole weeks worth of posts that I had ready to go and I forgot to hit publish. I guess I've been away from blogging for too long Ugh. I set them for this week. Heres to hoping I always hit publish!

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Welcome to the sweet life y'all!

Hi y'all!

Is anyone out there still reading this? Hahaha. Welcome to the Sweet Life where I'll be reviewing books, sharing my favorite recipes, travel destinations, fashion/make-up loves, and some life talk.

For a long while I just reviewed books and that got kind of boring. It was the same thing over and over and I burnt out on it. That's why the reviews stopped. My heart just wasn't in it. So, I decided to change some things up. Ill still be reviewing books, but I'll be doing it my way. When I started this blog I tried so hard to mimic what other bloggers were doing and I'm pretty sure that's where I went wrong. I'll be talking about anything I want! Life is way too short to not write/do what you want. Ill defintely try and be more active and engaging this time around. I'm so excited to start new. I'll see you tomorrow with a new post!

Keep it sweet y'all

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Release Blitz: Toughest Cowboy in Texas by Carolyn Brown

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Toughest Cowboy in Texas (Happy, Texas, #1)


Author: Carolyn Brown
Series: Happy, Texas #1
On Sale: May 30, 2017
Publisher: Forever
Mass Market: $7.99 USD
eBook: $6.99 USD

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Carolyn Brown's begins an all-new series of rugged cowboys.

“This is an emotional star-crossed lovers tale with tangible depths and an attitude that’s relatable to real life.” –RT Book Reviews

Last time Lila Harris was in Happy, Texas, she was actively earning her reputation as the resident wild child. Now, a little older and wiser, she's back to run her mother's café for the summer. Except something about this town has her itching to get a little reckless and rowdy, especially when she sees her old partner-in-crime, Brody Dawson. Their chemistry is just as hot as ever. But he's still the town's golden boy-and she's still the wrong kind of girl.

Brody hasn't had much time lately for anything other than ranching. Running the biggest spread in the county and taking care of his family more than keeps him busy. All that responsibility has him longing for the carefree days of high school—and Lila. She may have grown up, but he still sees that spark of mischief in her eyes. Now he's dreaming about late-night skinny dipping and wondering how he can possibly resist the one woman he can never forget...


Brody sang along with the radio the whole way back to Hope Springs. Seeing Lila again brought back so many memories. Nothing had been the same after she’d left town. Happy, Texas, didn’t have a movie theater or a bowling alley or even a Dairy Queen, so they’d had to drive all the way to Tulia or Amarillo to have fun. Or they would stay in town and Lila would come up with some kind of crazy stunt that sent their adrenaline into high gear.
Like surfing in the back of my old pickup truck. It’s a wonder we weren’t all killed but the adrenaline rush was crazy wild. He chuckled as he remembered the two of them planting their feet on skateboards in the bed of the truck and then giving Jace the thumbs-up to take off. No big ocean waves could have been as exhilarating as riding on skateboards while Jace drove eighty miles an hour down a dirt road.
Blake Shelton’s “Boys ’Round Here” came on the radio and he turned up the volume. He rolled down the window, letting the hot air blow past him as he pushed the gas pedal to the floor.
Seventy miles an hour, the dust kicking up behind the truck just like the song said. At seventy-five, he checked the rearview and imagined that Lila was back there wearing a pair of cutoff denim shorts, cowboy boots, and a tank top that hugged her body like a glove. Her jet- black ponytail was flying out behind her, and that tall, well-toned curvy body kept balance on the imaginary skateboard every bit as well as it had back then.
At eighty, he tapped the brakes enough to make a sliding right-hand turn from the highway to the lane back to the ranch house. The house was a blur when he blew past it and the speedometer said he was going ninety miles an hour when he braked and came to a long greasy stop in front of the barn doors. Gravel pinged against the sheet metal and dust settled on everything inside his truck’s crew cab. He sucked in a lungful of it but it did nothing to slow down his racing heart, thumping hard enough to bust a rib. Gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his forearms ached, he checked the rearview mirror. The vision of Lila was gone, leaving only a cloud of dust in its wake.
You’re not eighteen, Brody Dawson. The voice in his head even had the same tone and inflection as his mother’s did. You’re a responsible rancher, not a kid who drives like a maniac with the music blaring loud enough they can hear it in Amarillo.
Blame it on Lila. She brought out the wild side in me back before I had to handle all the ranchin’ business, he argued, and felt a sudden rush of shame because he hadn’t stood up for her in those days. Then he had time and opportunities; now he barely had time for a glass of tea with all the sticky situations of Hope Springs falling on his shoulders.
His phone pinged with another text: Sundance is in a mud bog out on the north forty. Need help. Bring rope. Where the hell are you? 
Just as he was about to get moving, his grandmother stepped out of the barn and made her way to his truck, shielding her green eyes against the hot afternoon sun. Gray haired and barely tall enough to reach Brody’s shoulder, she might look like a sweet little grandmother to strangers, but looks were definitely deceiving when it came to Hope Dalley. She had a backbone of steel and no- body messed with her.
“Did someone die? I heard you driving like a bat set loose from the bowels of hell. I bet you wore a year’s worth of rubber off them tires the way you skidded to a stop.”
“Everything is fine, but Sundance is in a mud lolly, so I’ve got to get some rope and go help Jace,” Brody said.
“Damned old bull. He got bad blood from his father when it comes to breakin’ out of pens, but he’s a damn fine breeder so we have to deal with his ornery ways,” Hope said. “I’ll go with you and help.”
“We can get it done, Granny. What are you doin’ out here in this hot sun anyway?”
“Bossin’ the boys about how to stack the hay. I can’t just sit around in an air-conditioned house and do nothin’. I’d die of boredom,” she said.
“Long as you’re supervisin’ and not stackin’, that’s fine, but I’d rather see you in the house with Kasey and the kids,” he said.
“I’m not ready to be put out to pasture yet, boy. Kasey don’t need my help. She has the toughest job on the ranch, taking care of those three kids as well as all the household stuff and the book work. That’s a hell of a lot more exhausting and tougher than stacking hay. And she’s doin’ a fine job of it. Now go take care of that blasted bull.” She waved him away.
Fun and excitement were over. It was time to man up and not expect to relive the glory days when Lila had lived in Happy and everything had been fun and exciting.

Special Edition Available at Walmart! 



Series Page on Goodreads


Carolyn Brown is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author and RITA® Finalist who has sold more than 2.75 million books. She presently writes both women's fiction and cowboy romance. She has also written historical single title, historical series, contemporary single title, and contemporary series. She lives in southern Oklahoma with her husband, a former English teacher, who is not allowed to read her books until they are published. They have three children and enough grandchildren to keep them young.


