Review Policy

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Changes moving forward

Hey y'all,

Wow. It has been a hot minute since I have written anything here. My last review was back in October(hangs head in shame). I really don't have an excuse as to why I stopped. The only reason is I was just burnt out on writing reviews. I LOVE reading more than anything, but formatting a review is tedious and I got a little tired of it. I want to continue reading and writing about books, but I'm going to have a new way to go about it. When I first started, I looked at other blogs and kinda used the same formatting as they did. THAT TAKES TOO LONG!! I need something that's short, sweet, and to the point. I'm currently brain storming of ways to accomplish this. I might be crazy in thinking that I can actually do this, then again I might just be sane enough to make it happen.

I would also love to connect more with other bloggers. TBH I really don't interact with other fabulous book lovers, that needs to change. My blog also needs a serious face-lift. It's boring and sends me to dullsville. Snooooooooooze.

Anywho, if y'all have any suggestions at all or y'all just want to tell me I suck, go for it!

I'll be back soon.

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